Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bu- Feminist Reading of Culture- Warrior of Women- Fall 2018

Ellen DeGeneres "I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights."  Ellen DeGeneres

AP/Wide World Photos. Reproduced by permission.Ellen Lee DeGeneres was born January 26, 1958, in Metairie, Louisiana. When she was growing up, DeGeneres dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, but she gave up the idea because she was "not book smart. 

DeGeneres finally found success as an actress with her own prime-time sitcom—television series, Ellen. The series was originally titled These Friends of Mine, but was renamed in 1994. Her character in the tv show series became the first lead in sitcom history to openly acknowledge her homosexuality on air. 

An ABC affiliate in Birmingham, Alabama, refused to air the landmark episode.ed The show received tons of criticism as well as rounds of applause from gay- friendly activist. In 1997, she came out as gay, and became a staunch advocate of LGBT rights. Her top priority is to integrate peace, love and kindness in all of our lives. She shows the world that if we love and help each other then we can achieve anything we want to. Ellen has been an outspoken women's rights campaigner and used her famous platform to highlight inequality of sexes. Ellen is a activist for same- sex marriage rights. 

Video of Ellen coming out story:

Works Cited:


  1. I love Ellen! Her show is amazing and she was brave to come out in 1997. A lot of people did not watch her show after she came out. She is a strong person and it is amazing how her career has grown over the years.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I didn't realize that she was so open that early on, especially during a time where homosexuality wasn't widely accepted. I also enjoyed the video!

  3. I love Ellen! She has done so many great thing throughout her career from helping the LGBTQ community to helping little kids achieve their dreams on the Ellen show. Ellen also is super brave for coming out on her show and dropping hints about being gay throughout the show.

  4. I've always quite admired Ellen for being so open about her life and for being that humorous tv personality that nonetheless can speak about serious issues. Even though coming out wasn't without peril, her actions certainly helped LGBT advocacy. Thanks for sharing the video!
