Friday, October 26, 2018

Inanna (Ishtar): Goddess of War, Love, and Sex

Originally noted in ancient Mesopotamia, Inanna, is the Goddess of war, sex, love, and fertility. She became to be one of the most powerful women in ancient Babylon, and even has higher authority over men. Inanna is worshipped and loved by many Mesopotamians. Temples in Uruk, Babylon, and Nineveh have been built so people can devout their worship to her (1).

Many stories have been told on how Inanna originated. A primary myth is that, Inanna, is the daughter of the sky God, An, and is even sometimes is wife (2). She is also interpreted as the twin of Shamash. This triad creates Heaven, Earth, and Water. Inanna controls the Earth, and the people within it (1).

As the Goddess of war, Inanna, would would assist the Assyrian solider in war. Before battle started, Ishtar, would appear before the army in armor of a male, and often times was seen riding a lion (1). She helped the army win many battle, and is seen as a strong aspect in wartime.

Inanna is also known for her intense sense to sexuality. Inanna was known for her beauty, and many loved her. She was never faithful in her marriage, and often times seduced others. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Inanna, sends people to destroy Gilgamesh's relax after he rejects her (3). She also was seen as the patron to her cult of prostitutes. These scared prostitutes were of all genders, and must ensure fertility among the communities (3).

 Inanna is among one of the most popular Goddess. She has inspirited other deities in other cultures around the world, and is promotes feminine power. She is fully aware of her beauty, and uses that to her advantage. She does not care about how men will perceive her. In ancient Sumerian culture, women were seen as equals to men, and this Goddess represents the culture at that time. Many still worship her today because what she stands for, and reminds others that everyone is equal.

Works Cited:
1) "Ishtar". New World Encyclopedia, New World Encyclopedia, 25 October 2018,

2) “Ishtar: Mesopotamian Goddess”. Encyclopedia of Britannica. Britannica. 25 October 2018,

3) “Inanna”. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 25 October 2018,                        


  1. Inanna seems like remarkable women not only of her time but for today's society as well. It was interesting to me that men and women were treated equal in her culture and that Inanna even had a higher authority over men. We usually do not hear about cases like this, where a female holds a higher position over males in society. I would've loved to hear about the various battles that she fought and won and how she was the leader of these battles. She seems like a great example of a Warrior Woman, being a strong female leader, I would've loved to hear more about her accomplishments!

  2. Ishtar is definitely a warrior woman! I find her duality to be very interesting; she is goddess of war but also sex. Usually someone who is associated with one isn't with the other. She really disrupted what we typically think of gender roles.

  3. I found it to be very interesting how she was praised to be a sex symbol, especially since she was not faithful in her marriage. Usually women who are unfaithful are not praised and viewed as "whores", but Ishtar was praised. I also found it funny how she sent people to destroy Gilgamesh after he rejected her.
